
TAP into Learning
We build knowledge through interaction with the world, bringing our own experiences to make sense of it. What about those that have limited prior knowledge and experience? This article addresses a promising way to resolve this issue-collaborative group work. I appreciated the lessons presented. I've seen similar lessons in classrooms in our own county. The lesson in Texas took it one step further utilizing a data base. Although the database enhances the effectiveness of the learning, I believe that the interaction among the students was a stronger factor in ensuring that learning take place. The social interaction balances with individual work. I have always feared that educators will think that the use of technology is played out by sitting a student in front of the computer , isolated from others, telling them to compete a project. A balance must be provided so that students can not only see, but hear different perspectives, understand and learn the variety of ways to problem solve and still reach the same conclusion or understand why the conclusions were different. Learning should be a group process and not and individual's processing of information.

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